Hôpital vétérinaire Accès Vet Blainville 450-433-9303

Veterinary Referrals

Veterinary Referrals

This section is intended for referring veterinarians.

If you are an owner and do not have a regular veterinarian, please contact us at 450-433-9303 or by e-mail at hopital.blainville@accesvet.com.

Consultation Reason

Requisition Form
(to be completed by the veterinarian)

Medical cases NOT REQUIRED

Here are the steps involved in referring a patient to Accès Vet Blainville Veterinary Hospital:

  1. A member of your team must contact us to ensure that we are able to take on the patient. We can also provide you with a cost estimate for the consultation request.
  2. After obtaining the owner's agreement to refer him/her to our hospital, please send us a copy of the medical file plus any necessary diagnostic documents as well as the completed requisition form (if required) to the following e-mail address:  
  3. A member of the Accès Vet team will contact the customer to arrange an appointment as soon as possible with one of our veterinarians, depending on the reason for the consultation.
  4. For all ultrasound referrals, a report will be sent to you within 24 hours of the procedure. Your customer will not meet the Accès Vet veterinarian. However, at his/her request, they may meet the veterinarian for a consultation fee.